Adopting PaaS: Tips and Best Practices for Cloud Transformation

Published date : 24/04/2017

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Adopting PaaS: Tips and Best Practices for Cloud Transformation

Adopting a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) delivery model dramatically boosts an organization’s ability to create services and make them available to clients and stakeholders. That is why chief information officers (CIOs) are looking to PaaS to reduce costs, produce agile services and improve the customer experience. These benefits seem like no-brainers, but it’s important to seriously consider the security implications when adopting a PaaS platform.

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Nguyen Thinh Tri

If you need expert guidance on building a DevOps team, consider partnering with experienced tech experts who can help you navigate the transformation. With over 20 years of experience, LARION has successfully assisted numerous companies of all sizes in crafting customized transition plans. We are dedicated to helping you achieve operational efficiency and seamless integration of.